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At two, BabyLo is saying the cheekiest things ever.
One time, MummyLo and BabyLo were having bedtime talk.
BabyLo said " 媽媽去返工工, 賺錢錢. 買present,買糖糖俾樂樂食"
MummyLo said "o敢, 樂樂俾乜嘢俾爸爸媽媽?"
After thinking for a while, BabyLo said "Big Truck?"
MummyLo said " 仲有呢?"
After pausing for a while, BabyLo said...
"樂樂唔洗返工, 樂樂Holiday"
Luckily, today BabyLo changed his mind, he said
"樂樂要返工工, 買糖糖俾媽媽食"
Another time, Por Por was looking after BabyLo at her home. BabyLo was busy helping out in the garden and Por Por was moving brick after brick from one place to another.
BabyLo was very quick to help out (especially with hard labour work). He helped Por Por carried a few bricks, after a while, he was feeling tired...and somehow he found an excuse to not help. He looked at Por Por and looked at the gloves she was wearing and said:
" 婆婆有gloves, 樂樂冇gloves, 婆婆拎"
This cheeky monkey.