Babylo is constantly coming up with heaps of questions, never ending questions.
Mummylo usually watch movie with babylo the first time together to filter out all bad stuff and to answer all his questions. He will ask many many questions throughout the duration of the movie. Questions such as
"who's this" "係邊個呢",
" what happened", "做咩?"
" what's the sound ?" "咩聲?"
This will continue until the end of the movie and Mummylo will be busy explaining the whole time. His recent movie is "astro boy" and "never ending story" which he likes a lot.

When we go out on the street for a walk, he is very curious about the strangers. He will always ask who they are "E 個邊個o黎? " and he tends to guess what they are doing, "人行路去邊, 去shop 買嘢。"

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