After the mad dash to Cairns for our short getaway trip, we settled for a quiet birthday celebration with Babylo with our lovely neighbour.
At 2 years old, Babylo now:
- speak fluent cantonese in sentences and some english sentences
- enjoy running, dancing and climbing
- favourite movies : Polar express, Totoro (in cantonese), Thomas the train engine, Up movie disney. He can sing a part of the song from Totoro (videos to follow later)
- can sing many nursery rhymes such as full song of "twinkle twinkle little star", "old macdonald had a farm", "itsy wincy spider", "ABC song", and part of the songs of "Do-a-deer", "This old man", "B.I.N.G.O", "I love you Barney", "Five little ducks", "Wheels on the bus", "Ponyo by the cliff sea", "Totoro"...etc He loves to hum the tunes as he walk and play.
- his favourite toys at the moment is still his "Puppy" and all his buses and trains
- his bedtime story at the moment is "Snow white and the seven dwarf" and sometimes other library books that is about cars/trains. He can also say part of the chinese poem "Or Or Or" (The swan in the lake).
- his favourite outdoor activity is running, picking up rocks, looking at spider webs, beetles, ants and other bugs. He loves to look at and know all the names of different vehicles such as buses, trains, trams, monorail, trucks, dump trucks, garbage trucks, digger, excavator, cranes, mixer, aeroplane, hellicopter, tractor..etc.
- He goes to childcare 3 days a week and cries every time before I dropped him off and as he sees me when I come to pick him up ( he has been having nightmares recently, probably of mummy leaving him and he cried in his sleep yelling for mummy to come back)
- he enjoys socialising with other kids and likes to talk and play with them (he is very quick to say goodbye to everyone as I pick him up from childcare)
- He drinks 2 bottles of formula (150ml) morning and night and enjoy 5 other meals a day. He sleeps at 10pm most night and wake up at nearly 8am.
- He loves his baby cousin Darren and likes to tickle and hug him. He always calls Darren as "Baby Kyle".
- He is an awesome helper at home and helps to wash the dishes and packs away his used containers
- He has started toilet training but has to be asked constantly whether he needs to go to toilet or not