Babylo's first day at the childcare. It was a heart-gut-wrenching, excruciating ordeal for both Babylo and mummylo.
He was quite cheerful when he arrived, all up to the point when I had to say goodbye to him and he started to sob and cried hysterically while the careworkers held him to stop him from clinging on to me. I was supposed to run as fast as I could to leave that place and not turn back until pickup time.
In the background, I could hear him yelling for his mummy.
Previously, we have gone through this procedure many times mentally when I suggested to babylo that mummy will be going to work for a while and he can play at school(childcare). He was quite excited about the idea and I asked him if he will be sad or cry, he said "no". Yet every farewell routine so far has been a terrible experience for us both.
Every time I tried to say my goodbyes before leaving , he would ignore what I was saying then continued on with what he was doing. His face would turn tearful and he would ask me to sit down pretending that nothing was happening. If I insisted to leave, he would start to cry and say that he wanted to leave too. This would continue for the next 5min while the childcare worker signal me to leave quickly. For the next 5 min, I would be standing outside the gate listening to a screaming child calling for me.
The return trip was usually much more pleasant. I would observe him from a distant to see that he was playing happily with other kids. Once he spotted me, he would say delightly "mummy, here". He actually didn't want to go home most of the time and preferred staying there as long as I was there with him.
Here are the clips of his first childcare day
After Mummylo left for an hour and came back to help him sleep at the childcare, I questioned him on what happened and why he had cried.
This is his response (in chinese)