Jordan is three years old. He claims himself as a "big boy" now. Between the age of 2 and a half to now, he has been full of "why". Often, his questions are very difficult to answer. Every morning, mummylo, daddylo and Jordan will travel on the train together to go to work and childcare together. The train rides involve a lot of questioning time from Jordan. "why are there no new trains at the station?" "why are there no seats?" "why is the ambulance not following us?" Often those questions have no proper answers to it. But he would not give up asking until you give him a seemingly correct answer. Mummylo found it useful to jot down Jordan's milestone from time to time. As I have realized that I no longer remember the finer details even though at the time I thought it was something that I won't forget. At 3-years of age, Jordan can: 1. Fully potty trained but still require night nappies 2. Put on his shirt, pants, socks and shoes all by himself 3. Ride a bicycle and scooter 4. Can count 1-20 in English, 1-10 in Cantonese, mandarin and Japanese. 5. Recognize some letters and numbers but not all. 6. Have started 2 lessons of mandarin class and can say some simple mandarin words. 7. Can sing many many songs and also make up his own song 8. Enjoy watching many movies. Latest movies that he enjoys are Harry potter, toy story 3 and ghibli studio movies 9. He can finally make the "pinky promise"
10. He has just been transitioned into the Preschool Room and is no longer a Toddler. 11. He says he love mummy and daddy almost everyday (something memorable for the future) 12. He still love his puppy and brings it everywhere he goes
Jordan is very cheeky now and always come up with funny concepts and strange imaginary play.
One time, I caught him reenacting an imaginary conversation between him and his imaginary mum. The conversation is about him saying that he wants to buy a toy train and his imaginary mum in super high pitch voice saying that he can't because she has no money (which is my usual response to his many wants). I have only managed to capture a small segment of the conversation.
Last night, he was sick and hr refused to take the strawberry flavored medication. His reason was that the medication will make him "heated". He said in canto "媽媽,食藥好熱氣"。 I wonder from whom did he learn this from.
Today, Daddy brought us all to go to see the fireworks with the best view. It's an empty level at his work place and the view was fantastic. We get to see all the fireworks right in front of us on a private floor.
Out on the street, Jordan was being his mischievous self posting in front of a laughing orangutan.
The street was closed and we all got to roam freely on the once busy streets.
Interestingly, someone poured detergent into the Martin Place fountain and the whole street was crowded with people playing with the now "bubble fountain". Including this cheeky boy who was so excited by the bubbles. .. that he lost the plot.
One minute, he was happily playing with the bubbles.
The next minute, he was feet up into the fountain. Luckily Daddy came to the rescue within seconds. DaddyLo was soaked bottom half trying to wretch this poor boy out of the fountain.
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Now, Jordan, you shall remember this day that your DaddyLo was all soaked trying to save you. Happy New Year 2011.
Christmas is such an exciting time for the kiddies.
Since the beginning of December, Jordan has been asking me when is Santa coming ? When is Christmas time? Seeing the street filled with Christmas lights, Jordan was also getting more and more excited about Christmas time.
Finally, after the great anticipation, he has got the chance to meet Santa for the third time ( this time he wasn't scared). He waved to Santa, nervously shoke his hand and when it comes to the time of his present, he bravely took photos with Santa Claus.
Our Christmas tree has been set up ever since November. On Christmas day, it was filled with big and small presents underneath. Time for unwrapping.
This is Jordan's second halloween and it's the first time that he went trick or treating in our neighbourhood.
Dressed as spiderman, he was so excited to knock on the doors to get lollies.
Por por came to visit us that day, so Jordan played trick or treat with Por Por and got even more lollies. I think with the amount of lollies he got, he could last him months.
He says the darnest things. One time I asked him "Jordan, do you like trains or girls" Jordan said " trains...hmmm...trains and girls... girls can buy me train".
Another time, I asked him "If you see Santa Claus, will you ask for a present?" Jordan said " Yes, ask for a present for Mummy too" I said " Mummy is a big girl, Santa only give presents ot little girls" Jordan said " I will turn into Santa Claus and give you a present"
(He says all these in Cantonese so this is just a direct translation of what he said.)
Just when I thought life couldn't get better at age 25 when I was near finishing my Phd and with a man of my dream,I was hit by a pleasant surprise that totally turned my life upside down. Becoming a mummy was a big deal for me but I am loving every minute of it .. so far at least. Hello BabyLo beepbeep.. beepbeep..盧爸爸和盧媽媽在映幕上看到一個4cm 新生命的跳動. 盧爸爸說 " 是真的..真的有了小寶貝". 從這一刻開始,我倆的生活被你倒轉了..但是每天都變得更精彩, 更有意思.